Plus, I liked the visual component acrobats brought to the story. I wanted a character who had trained to be strong in body, because there’s such a mental toughness that comes from that. As far as the acrobat angle, I definitely wanted a main character who was used to taking care of herself and who didn’t shy away from ‘performing’ – something she would have to do a lot of to get herself on board. Then when the time came to choose the next book to write, that story of the Chinese on the Titanic continued to speak to me. I definitely tucked that one away for a future book, as I was in edits for THE DOWNSTAIRS GIRL at the time. Like most people, I didn’t know there were any Chinese on the Titanic. Nearly four years ago, my mother in law sent me an article in the Washington Post about the eight Chinese men on the Titanic. Let’s talk about LUCK OF THE TITANIC! What sparked the idea that would become this story? How did being acrobats become so central to Val’s character (and her connection with Jamie)? Thankfully it was the best news! I’d known about TDG TV series for awhile now but it’s nice to finally be able to talk about it. Stacey Lee: Thrilled! News about the list came out of the blue for me I was visiting my parents in LA at the time, and having a lengthy Korean facial and when I kept hearing my phone buzzing, I was very worried something catastrophic had happened. First of all, congratulations on THE DOWNSTAIRS GIRL hitting the New York Times bestseller list and the announcement of its adaption into a series! What are you feeling right now?

Sara (Lyrical Reads): Hi Stacey! Thank you so much for joining me on my blog LYRICAL READS today.